We are now pleased to announce that all of our aromas contain chemicals and packaging that fully comply with new UK legislation.
DIRECTIONS: Remove cap from bottle and allow to stand; the aroma will develop.
*WARNING* - Not to be used by anyone with a heart condition or inhaled directly from the bottle. Keep out of reach of children.
Artikelnummer | RA-05100 |
Hersteller | Nein |
Herstellermarke | Nein |
Produktmarke | Nein |
Versandgewicht | Keine Angabe |
Odor & Flavor | Keine Angabe |
Größe | Nein |
Formel | Isopropyl Formula |
Ingredients | isopropyl nitrite (CAS 541-42-4), propan-2-ol (CAS 67-63-0) |
Füllmenge | Keine Angabe |
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